Apex, Weekly Twice-A-Day Pill Organizer, 1 Pill Organizer



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  • "The Measure of Excellence in Self Care"
  • Contoured Design for Easy Pill Removal

The Weekly Twice-a-Day Pill Organizer features a contoured design for easy pill removal. The tabbed compartments open easily and securely snap shut. Be sure to follow the dosage sequences indicated on your medication labels.

Suggested Use

To Use:

  1. Carefully insert the proper regimen of dry medication into the color-designated and highlighted AM and PM compartments.
  2. It is preferable to fill your pill organizer once a week.

To Clean:

  1. Detach both the AM and PM 7-day lid sets from the pill organizer base.
  2. Lay both the base and the lid sets securely on the top rack of the dishwater.