As the name implies, Zero Carb® Pristine Protein® is a super-clean whey protein isolate, with considerably less lactose than standard whey protein.
Whey protein isolate digests very quickly and contains all nine essential amino acids (EAAs), which are the primary amino acids involved in stimulating muscle protein synthesis and recovery.
Studies show that a high proportion of calories from protein aids in weight loss and prevents weight (re)gain. Whey protein is also known to induce satiety (a sense of fullness), increase secretion of gastrointestinal hormones, and increase diet-induced thermogenesis.
Why Should I Buy Zero Carb® Pristine Protein®?
Not all proteins are created equal. There are many whey protein isolates on the market, but Pristine Protein® 100% Whey Isolate is fat-free, sugar-free, and contains no artificial sweeteners! What’s more, Pristine Protein’s high purity delivers what we believe is the most delicious-tasting protein ever created!
Nutritional Information*
* Servings per container are for the 2-pound containers.